Hot Topics in Science and Technology

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Another meeting in series Hot Topics in Science and Technology!


We are very pleased to announce that on Tuesday October 24 at 2:15 pm (Warsaw time) we will host Professor Vicentiu Radulescu from AGH University of Krakow & Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest who will deliver a talk entitled:  Problems with unbalanced growth: a trip around "nonlinearity and anisotropy"

I warmly welcome you to join us via Microsoft Teams (ask for the link). Please see below the abstract of the talk.

This talk is a mild invitation to the study of some nice nonlinear problems with high interest in the analysis of some relevant phenomena arising in mathematical physics, image reconstruction, and other applied fields. I shall discuss some recent striking results in the qualitative analysis of some classes of isotropic and anisotropic double phase equations. In the isotropic case, a strange discontinuity property of the spectrum will be highlighted. In the anisotropic case, I shall introduce the class of problems with "mixed regime", in the sense that nonlinear problems with "variable exponent" can behave a nonusual subcritical-critical-supercritical growth. During my talk, I shall highlight the crucial role played by the Nehari manifold theory and the Palais principle of symmetric criticality.

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