Director of the Institute of Physics announces the competition for internal grants for young scientists in the discipline of physical sciences. The competition is organised as part of the “FU2N – Fundusz Udoskonalania Umiejętności Młodych Naukowców” programme.
The competition is addressed to first- or second-year doctoral candidates of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology, and young scientists - i.e. academic teachers employed in the group of research or research and teaching staff of Lodz University of Technology, for whom Lodz University of Technology is the primary place of work, who have obtained a doctoral degree not earlier than 5 years before submitting an application for an internal grant under this programme.
The aim of the competition is to strengthen the scientific and human potential of Lodz University of Technology by improving the skills of doctoral students and young scientists in preparing applications for research grants organised in competitions of external institutions financing science and increasing effectiveness in obtaining grants.
For more details, please visit the following website:
Applications for the competition should be submitted to the Office of the Institute of Physics by 5 December 2021.
The results of the competition will be announced on 10 January 2022.