The 2021 Łódzkie Eureka prize for our lecturer

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Dr. Krzysztof Guzek was awarded this year's "Łódzkie Eureka" prize. The award was presented during the inauguration ceremony of the 21st jubilee Festival of Science, Technology and Arts.


ŁÓDZKIE EUREKA is a competition in which the Council for Higher Education and Science at the President of Łódź awards distinctions for outstanding scientific, artistic and technical achievements at the international or national forum. The aim of the organisers is to promote artists and teams working for the development of Łódź as a scientific and academic centre.

Dr Guzek prezentujący złota statuetke na tle niebieskim tle
Dr. Krzysztof Guzek during the Łódzkie Eureka award ceremony

Krzysztof Guzek is a graduate of the Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, TUL, where he currently holds the position of Assistant Professor. He also teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, as his research interests are situated at the intersection of computer science and graphic design. His artistic and professional work concentrates on poster design, brand identity design, animation, digital graphics and generative graphics.

The prize was awarded to Dr. Guzek as a token of recognition for his achievements made over the last year, a brief summary of which is given below:

- finalist of Peru Design Biennale 2021 in the category of visual identity for “A generative dynamic visual identity system of Lodz University of Technology”,

- winner of the Award of the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship in the 21 st Competition for the best dissertations and works thematically related to the Voivodeship of Lodz (for the doctoral dissertation titled “A generative dynamic visual identity system of Lodz University of Technology”)

- distinction in the 10th Taiwan International Graphic Design Award (TIGDA) in the category of poster design for the work titled “Graphics”,

- Dr Guzek’s poster was exhibited in the Tung-Fang Design University-Shigeo Fukuda Design Museum.  


For more information please visit the City of Łódź Office webpage:

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